The modern approach to depression treatment involves a combination of various methods - biological treatment (medication or medication) and psychotherapy. medication Appointed in patients with mild, moderate and severe symptoms of depression. A necessary condition for the effectiveness of the treatment is to cooperate with the doctor: strict adherence to the prescribed treatment regimen, regular visits to the doctor, a detailed, candid account of his condition and life difficulties. Antidepressants. Proper treatment in most cases, to get rid of the symptoms of depression.

Depression requires treatment by specialists. A major class of drugs for the treatment of depression are antidepressants. Currently, there are various products of this group, including tricyclic aptidepressanty (amitriptyline, imipramine) and have been used since the late 50s. In recent years a number of antidepressant drugs has increased significantly. The main advantages of the new generation of antidepressants are improved tolerability, reduction of side effects, decrease toxicity and high safety in overdose. To new antidepressants are fluoxetine (Prozac, profluzak), sertraline (Zoloft), citalopram (tsipramil), paroxetine (Paxil), fluvoxamine (Luvox), tianeptine (tianeptine), mianserin (lerivon), moclobemide (auroriks), milnacipran (Ixel) , mirtazapine (Remeron), and others. Antidepressants are safe class of psychotropic drugs, if properly used according to doctor's recommendation. The dose is determined individually for each patient.

You need to know that the therapeutic effect of antidepressants can manifest itself slowly and gradually, so it is important a positive attitude and wait for it to appear. Antidepressants are not addictive, and withdrawal of, unlike the class of tranquilizers benzodiazeninovyh drugs (Phenazepamum, Relanium, elenium, tazepam et al.) And widely used in our country korvalola, valokordin. In addition, benzodiazepine tranquilizers and phenobarbital, are part of korvalola valokordin and long-term use reduces the sensitivity to other psychopharmacological agents. The main stages of therapy. 1. Determination of the treatment tactics choice of the antidepressant with the main symptoms of depression in each patient, the selection of adequate dose and individual treatment regimens. 2. Provide a basic course of therapy aimed at reducing the symptoms of depression up to their disappearance, the old restoration, peculiar to the patient activity level. 3. Conduct supports the course of therapy for 4-6 months or more after the general normalization of the state. This step is aimed at the prevention of exacerbations of the disease. What usually impedes drug treatment: 1. The misconception about the nature of depression and the role of drug treatment. 2. A common misconception about the dangers of unconditionally all psychoactive drugs: the occurrence of dependence on them, the negative impact on the internal organs. Many patients believe that it is better to suffer from depression than taking antidepressants. 3. Many patients interrupted reception in the absence of a rapid effect or take medication regularly. It is important to remember that conducted numerous studies confirming the high efficiency and safety of modern antidepressants. Damage depression emotional and material well-being of man, not comparable in severity with minor and easily avoidable side effects that sometimes occur with the use of antidepressants. It should be remembered that the therapeutic effect of antidepressants often comes only after 2-4 weeks after starting. Psychotherapy Psychotherapy is not an option, but an important addition to the medical treatment of depression. Unlike drug treatment therapy involves a more active role of the patient in the treatment process.

Psychotherapy helps patients develop skills in emotional self-regulation in the future to cope with the crisis more effectively, without sinking into a depression. In the treatment of depression as the most effective and science-based proven three approaches: psychodynamic psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy and psychotherapy. According to psychodynamic therapy, psychological basis of depression are internal unconscious conflicts. For example, the desire to be independent and at the same time a desire to receive a large amount of support, help and care from other people. Another typical conflict is the presence of intense anger, resentment on others, coupled with the need to always be kind and good, and keep the location of the family. The sources of these conflicts lie in the history of the patient's life, which is the subject of analysis in psychodynamic therapy. In each individual case, it may be its unique content of conflicting emotions, and therefore requires an individual psychotherapeutic work. The goal of therapy - understanding the conflict and help in its constructive resolution: learn to find balance closeness and independence, develop the ability to constructively express their feelings and to maintain at the same relationships with people. Behavioral therapy aims to resolve the current problems of the patient and the removal of behavioral symptoms: passivity, renunciation of pleasures, monotonous lifestyle, isolation from others, planning and engaging in purposeful activity of impossibility. Cognitive therapy is a synthesis of the two above-mentioned approaches and combines their advantages.

 It combines work with the current life difficulties and behavioral symptoms of depression and work with their internal psychological sources (deep ideas and beliefs). The main mechanism of psychological depression, cognitive therapy is considered the so-called negative thinking, which is reflected in the tendency of depressed patients consider everything that happens to them in a negative light. Changing this way of thinking requires careful individual work, which aims to develop a more realistic and optimistic view of ourselves, the world and the future. Additional forms of depression are psychotherapy, family counseling and group psychotherapy (but not any, and specially designed to help depressed patients). Their involvement can be of great help in the treatment and rehabilitation. What usually prevents treatment for psychological help? 1. Low awareness of people about what is psychotherapy. 2. Fear of a stranger initiation into personal, intimate experience. 3. The skeptical attitude to the fact that "conversations" can provide significant therapeutic effect. 4. The notion that psychological difficulties need to handle yourself, and appeal to another person is a sign of weakness. In modern society, psychotherapy is an established, effective method of care for a variety of mental disorders. Thus, cognitive psychotherapy significantly reduces the risk of recurrence of depression.

 Modern methods of psychotherapy focused on short-term (10-30 sessions depending on the severity of the condition) effective assistance. All the information that the therapist gets in the session is confidential and remains confidential. A professional therapist is specially prepared to work with heavy emotions and difficult situations of other people, he knows how to respect and assist in coping with them. Every person in life there are situations (such as illness), with which it can not cope on their own.

The ability to ask for help and accept it is a sign of maturity and rationality, not weakness. Help loved ones overcome depression Support for loved ones, even when the patient does not express interest in it is very important to overcome depression.

 In this regard, we can give the following advice to relatives of patients: * Remember that depression - a disease in which the need sympathy, but in no case can not be koem dive into disease together with the patient, sharing his pessimism and despair. You must be able to maintain a certain emotional distance, all the while reminding myself and the patient that depression - is a transient emotional state * Research has shown that depression is particularly unfavorably occurs in families where done many criticisms of the patient.

Try to make it clear to the patient that his condition - it's not his fault, but the misfortune that he needs help and treatment * Try not to focus on the illness of a loved one and bring positive emotions in your life and in family life. If possible, try to involve the patient in some useful activity, but not to remove him from the affairs.